Saturday, September 10, 2011

System Mechanic Pro Not Working ( System Mechanic may display “test2”)

Issue#  After activation of System Mechanic (Basic & Professional), the Main Screen of System Mechanic may display “test2”. The remaining days may also not be correct.Uninstalling and Reinstalling System Mechanic does not resolve the issue.

Resolution#  This usually happens when the computer has a registry entry within their Internet Security Zones setting area that should not and it is somehow controlling how SM interface displays.

The issue can be resolved by going into the registry, finding the key that should not be there and deleting it manually.  Given below is the troubleshooting steps.

Windows XP / Vista / Win7 Instructions:

Ø       Click on Start>RUN, type in regedit (XP). Click on Start, type in Regedit in the search box.

Ø        Please expand the folders to this location:

Ø       HEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\ (expand the Zones folder also).

Ø       Within the folder, there should be numbered folders.

Ø       Once the Zones folder is expanded you will see either a L or [] folder.

Ø       Right click on the L or [] folder and select delete.

Ø       You should now only see the 0 through 4 sub folders below within the Zones folder.

Ø       Now close the Registry Editor and restart your computer.

Ø       Launch System Mechanic and the program will launch properly showing you the whole interface.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

System mechanic still leaves the "test 2" problem. Does this solution also work for Windows 7?